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Influence by Eric Leblon

SKU: #000113 - In Stock

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Le programme dure 75 minutes et se divise en deux parties, la premi鑢e sur les cartes contient 2 techniques et 3 routines, la deuxi鑝e sur les pi鑓es comporte 3 routines.

Les cartes
Le saut de coupe au retournement (technique).
Boom (routine) : r関閘ation instantan閑 d'un carr�, la carte choisie appara顃 entre deux cartes.
Wave control (technique) : vous permet de contr鬺er une carte qui reste pourtant visible jusqu'� la fin.
Speedwich (routine) : la carte choisie jaillit entre deux autres, cette routine utilise la technique d'Eric Club r関閘ation.
La nouvelle carte � la bouche (routine) : la carte choisie se retrouve dans la bouche du magicien.

Les pi鑓es
Apparition flash (routine) : une pi鑓e appara顃 dans un 閏lair de flamme.
Un poids sur vous (routine) : voyage d'une pi鑓e sur les 閜aules des spectateurs.
Progression (routine) : apparition, disparition et changement de taille de pi鑓es.

Notre avis 

Une excellente cassette tant de par son contenu que de par sa qualit�. Qualit� du son et des images, rien n'a 閠� n間lig�, que ce soit la jaquette ou bien les encha頽ements vid閛s et musicaux. Toutes les sources sont cit閑s � l'aide d'incrustations, le chapitrage vous aidera � vous rep閞ez dans la cassette. M阭e le g閚閞ique de fin cite les diff閞ents livres, vid閛s et magiciens qui ont inspir閟 l'auteur.

Un seul regret de taille, bien que l'on se doute rapidement qu'Eric est gaucher, il faut attendre le cinqui鑝e effet pour qu'enfin il l'annonce. Sachant que la majorit� des gens sont droitiers, il n'aurait pas 閠� inutile de pr閏iser ce d閠ail d鑣 le d閎ut de la cassette. Une excellente cassette que nous recommandons aux magiciens de bon niveau et non pas de niveau moyen comme indiqu� sur la jaquette.

PLEASE NOTEThis item is a downloadable Video or Ebooks  . Gimmick not included.

Once your order information has been verified, we will send URL links direct to your email address.  They will appear as hyperlinks.  You simply click on each link one by one, and accept the download on to your hard drive.  Downloading time will depend on a variety of factors, such as your local bandwidth, etc.

The following is the process you should take to complete your order through bank to bank transfer:

1. Please go to your bank (through online banking, ATM or going into a branch) and complete the transfer of money. Make sure that the amount you transfer is the exact total of your order. Payment details below:

- If your bank is located in Austria, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Greece or Luxemburg you will pay to our WorldPay bank. You will see the bank details once you have placed the order.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying to our WorldPay bank you MUST include the Unique Payment Reference Number (you will receive this directly after paying the order) in the description section when completing payment to help us identify your order. Failure to do this will result in an unsuccessful transaction.

- If your bank is located in a country not listed above you will pay to our HSBC account. The details are below:

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PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying in this way you MUST write your Yourname order number in the description section when paying so we can easily recognize your payment. Failure to do this will result in a delayed or failed transaction.

2. When this is done, log in to your Yourname ‘My Account’ and complete the following:

Click ‘Order list’
Click ‘Pay’
Click ‘Complete Payment’ and fill in the related information for verification (This is an important step. If the information you have filled in does not match your bank details the payment can not be completed.)
Click ‘Submit’ to finish the procedure.

3. You will receive a payment confirmation email from us after your order’s payment has gone through successfully. If you do not receive this email, please contact us here: http://www.dlmagicstore.com/help/

Please note that dlmagicstore will begin to handle your items after payment has been cleared.

All magic ebooks and videos are send via email .If the file already been upload ,we can send immediately . If not , we need 2 or 3 days to upload the file .


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