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Return Policy

Dlmagicstore exists to make our customers happy.

Media items (BOOKS, DVDs, CDs, DOWNLOADS etc.) cannot be returned once they have been opened or viewed/downloaded. If there's an unusual circumstance we will make every effort to take care of you.

It's important to us that you have a great experience here at dlmagicstore and the products you receive are exactly what you expected. If you feel that your product is not what you expected or aren't 100% happy with it, reach out and let us help! Drop us an email, give us a call, or chat with us. We will figure out a way to make things right.

Long term, it's much better for dlmagicstore if you let us know when there's a problem. So, please, don't be shy. Let us know so we can earn your good feelings and continued business.

To return an item, please send an email to [email protected] and we will help you return your item.