IMPORTANT NOTE: This work is designed to teach presentations on how to DIVINE star signs, not on how to secretly DISCOVER a participant's star sign. Christopher mentions many of the methods he uses to secretly discover a person's star sign throughout the book. A detailed Appendix is added to the end of the book with direct resources on how to learn many methods (some prop-less, some billet-based) to secretly learn this information from anyone!
This second volume of the "Esse" series is focused on tackling the lack of theatrical and emotional depth that many mentalists place onto the classic Zodiac Divination. Christopher's goal with this e-book is to share with the community six powerful frameworks (eleven, if you count the many variations contained within the core six presentations) that were designed to elevate the divination of someone's star sign into miracle status! The book opens with Christopher's thoughts on how many purely prop-less approaches to divining star signs fail at not only emulating how Astrology "works," but also at truly showcasing the performer's empathetic side.
More than just a book on divining star signs, Christopher also mentions his rules for handling hecklers, how art-forms outside of Magic inform the scripts he prepares and delivers, and on how to best frame your character/artistic worldview in order to eliminate challenging expectations from new spectators and participants!
This teaches the performance framework Christopher uses when he feels divining the participant's exact month-of-birth is appropriate. More than just a "think of the month you were born in" style of scripting we're all tired of seeing, Decan is designed to be used when the performer can readily meet a participant's request!
Get ready to learn your new favorite safety net to any and all prop-less Mentalism effects you wish to try on laymen! Scared of that brand-new prop-less name divination failing? The Red Dwarf allows for you to wash-away that failure with a mysterious justification that requires no further procedure or segueing into a billet-based routine! Proof-readers and reviewers who got a copy of this volume early stated this was the presentation they loved the most!
This chapter challenges the way many performers and creators frame the way they choose to divine star signs, and how this typical framing may be the worst way to divine a star sign! Included in this chapter are two ways to divine a skeptic's star sign!
Inspired from watching Astrology videos produced by popular media companies, the mentalist is able to correctly deduce a participant's star sign by interpreting their physical characteristics!
Through a conversation about the people important to the participant's life, the mentalist is able to correctly divine the star signs of everyone involved! The One-Ahead method is not needed for this to work!
this is something that Christopher is especially proud of! This chapter contains two psychometric visions mentalists can add to any of their star sign routines!
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