An essential collection of magic from one of magic’s most creative and prolific magicians.
Christoph Borer is a name that might not be immediately familiar to those who don’t live in Switzerland or those who didn’t buy his revolutionary trick “Get Sharky”. However, in his home country, Christoph Borer is an absolute legend. He’s published five magic books in German, each of which have been universally praised and are highly sought after to this day.
At Vanishing Inc., one of our core missions is to introduce the magic community to extremely talented magicians who may have flown under your radar because their works have only ever been available in their native language. By expertly translating these works into English, a broader audience is able to enjoy the genius that lies within them. There’s no better example of this than Forged by Fire by Christoph Borer.
Forged by Fire contains the best of the best material from Christoph Borer’s impressive repertoire. You’ll learn more than 40+ professional routines spanning everything from cards and general close-up material, to mentalism, and parlor and stage magic. Christoph even does a deep dive into magical storytelling.
Put simply, it would be nearly impossible for any magician to pick up this book and not walk away with at least one or two new favorite routines. Forged by Fire is a masterclass in creativity. Christoph pushes the boundaries, exploring new possibilities with unique and captivating plots.
A small sampling of what you can expect…
There’s an effect where words written in black ink by a person suddenly appear in different colors, as well as a mind-blowing routine where you and a participant each find each other’s thought-of cards.
In another routine, the corner of a card is torn off. With a wave of your hand, it is then revealed that all of the cards in the deck are now missing a corner; except for their chosen card, which is now perfectly restored.
In "My Magical Friend", an address generated by the audience appears printed a package that's been in plain view.
One of our favorites is “Firebrand”, where an antique coin is wrapped in tissue paper before being placed on top of an old book and ignited. After the burst of flames subsides, it is shown that the coin has melted through the book and landed on a page that was selected earlier. This powerful reimagining of a trick that’s usually done with cards plays to audiences of any size and leaves a much larger impact.
The latter is a perfect example of how Christoph’s refreshing twists and use of unusual props can make classic effects feel like brand new routines. He also isn’t the type of magician that will add in four different variations of the same trick just to boost the size of the table of contents. There is no filler in Forged by Fire. Just a breadth of usable, workable professional material for all performers and all performance situations.
We take great pride in the fact that many of you consider Vanishing Inc. to be the leading producer of the world’s finest magic books. So the book itself is also absolutely stunning. Working with Maxwell Pritchard, we ensured that no stone was left unturned as the routines were meticulously translated into English. Every important detail is explained and accompanied by more than 100 illustrations across the 260+ pages of this stunning, linen hardback.
Forged by Fire is the type of book that will not only be popular now, but will be revisited and debated long into the future. Get a copy today and immerse yourself in the legacy of one of magic’s brightest and most creative stars.
Tear Off
Only the Half of It
Oh, So Close…
Double Thought
Year-Round Positivity
The Technicolor Pencil
My Magical Friend
The Firebrand
Colorful Backstories
Travel Brochures
Messages for Catha
Parlor and Stage
Romeo and Juliet
Undercover Rose
The Free Gift
Arse`ne Lupin
Count Dracula
Appearing Deck
Razored Deck
Digital Cocktail
Fifty Shades of Grey
Bank Night
The Runes of the Goddess Freyja
Written All Over Your Face
The Tray Force
Super Memory
Pendulums Aplenty
The Dowsing Rod
A Mathematical Birthday
Three-Card Miracle
Runic Revelation
Rune Memory
The Contract
Death by Chocolate
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