1 Introduction: John A. McKinven
3 The Author’s Introduction
7 Ten Lessons from Jarrett
11 ONE: Guy Ellsworth Jarrett
14 TWO: San Francisco
17 THREE: Howard Thurston
19 FOUR: Minerva
28 FIVE: Broadway
37 SIX: Chicago
47 SEVEN: Magic and Stagecraft Technical
57 I Say
62 The 21 Person Cabinet
71 Sawing a Woman in Two
77 My Sawing
80 Sawing an Egg
83 The Bangkok Bungalow
96 Easel and Pedestal
98 The Charlatan
102 Zeno
107 Easel and Star Trap
108 Bottle Box
109 Flower Cone
110 Curtained Cabinet without a Base
110 Creo
113 Buried Alive
115 Floating Table
117 Through a Jail Window
119 Walk out of a Rope Tie
120 Plank and Chains
120 Water Barrel Escape
122 Grandfather's Mirror Illusion
125 Sack and Bolt Escape
126 Camel Back Trunk
128 Coat Hat and Sphinx Table
130 Fiji in the Chicago Fair
131 Tenagra Little Venus on the Half Shell
132 Shuttle Table for Pigeons
132 Hommanns Ring Move
134 Catching a Live Pigeon
135 A Free Walking Figure
136 The Sheet Metal Box
136 Vanishing Polly Cage
137 Water Tank Escape
139 Girl Boy and Sack
141 Whirling Tire
142 Coat Tie
143 Magic in the Chicago Fair
145 Life Show
146 Micro Show
146 Telling Time
147 Matches and Steel Bar
150 Dilgers Candlestick
155 Ghost Show
157 Lamb’s Blood
157 Nightingale and the Rose
159 Thurstons Patented Steamship
159 Spear and Arrow
160 Spirit Paintings
161 Frozen in a Cake of Ice
162 David Devant
162 Dracula
164 Kellar Show to Thurston
168 Ching LingFoo
169 Women Magi
169 The Old Pipe Trick
170 Cigarette Vanish
170 Coin Vanish
173 Coin Fake
173 Illusions from World-Renown Inventors
174 Improved Old Illusions
179 Belascos Mima
182 Sample Spectator of a Magic Show
183 Moving Pictures with Perspective
187 Vanishing Auto
190 Vanishing Elephants
196 The Kid Show Attractions
200 Revolving Cabinet
201 Bewitched
202 Boaconstrictor
206 Strippers
209 Instantaneous
211 Knock 'em Dead
212 A Positive Mind Read
213 The Fall of Show Business?
217 Fish Bowl Table
218 Levitation
223 Puzzles
224 If I Ran a Magic Show
225 Not How Books are Usually Published
227 EIGHT: The Reviews
234 NINE: One Thinking Brain
241 TEN: The Gym for Toddlers
243 ELEVEN: Oakland
246 TWELVE: Hollywood
247 THIRTEEN: Urbana
252 FOURTEEN: Santa Monica
257 FIFTEEN: The Return of Guy Jarrett
263 APPENDIX ONE: Guy Jarrett’s Sources
266 APPENDIX TWO: Notes and Bibliography
280 About the Author
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